Monday, July 26, 2010

Could we PLEASE just fast forward to September!!!

It would sure be nice to treat the month of August like I do commercials with my DVR!

Saw today where Tennessee Titans coach Jeff Fisher is gonna sue Lame Kiffin for hiring one of his assistant coaches away who was under contract. I already like Fisher, but now I am more of a fan :)

A new facility has opened in Mount Dora - Champions Training Academy. Located very near Marshall Financial Group (or Zellies for you blue bloods out there), they have an impressive staff of former pro athletes to help train you or your child.

I am trying to be patient and wait until August before I start previewing the upcoming college and prep season. The good news is that August arrives on Sunday!

Nigel Carr, the best linebacker for the Noles was arrested last night. Another reason to hate July and August, the arrest report always takes a toll on the Noles and the Gators.

Hey, it is time for the annual "bug hunt" down in the Keys. The Nichols family will be down there chasing the lobsters and good times. Lucky dogs...


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Counting down...

Summer in Florida is HOT and "not cool" :). The World Cup was fun and Spain rules. The BoMar softball team is starting to gel, but that is the only thing keeping me sane until football season finally gets here!

Still time to see who else gets arrested or injured before making bold but well researched college and high school football prognostications :)

One thing is for sure, but the Noles and the Gators will be OFFENSIVELY minded this season with Ponder and Brantley tossing the ball around like laser guided orbs.

I'll be back in August with amusing insights (at least they will amuse me). 2010 will be the best year yet for inter state high school football matchups!
