Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Posting Blah's

Maybe, just maybe the fact that both the Noles and Gators have 3 losses, contributes to my lack of zeal to convey my thoughts about this football season. Or, maybe the obsession is cooling off a bit, perhaps some of both. It is true that my daughter's volleyball season has kept me running. It is also true that spend most of my day on a computer already...I don't know. Lack of inspiration or something like that. I haven't even gone to a college game this season, even though I had seat to FSU/Oklahoma...

Conference realignment is stupid, at least when we start looking at West Virginia joining the Big 12. College football is supposed to have some geographic sacredness (a word, really?). Border battles are what make it so special. Now college football is just one more obvious step closer to the NFL, where the Cowboys have been in the East for a long time.

I'm cranky about the Gators and the Noles. I'm cranky about UCF and USF choking. I"m cranky about my Crestview Bulldogs and I'm even cranky that Eustis is pretty weak (I have to be a Panther fan the next 4 years, the least they could do is make it exciting). I'm also cranky that fantasy football is difficult. Hard to figure out, maybe it all comes down to luck - yuck.

I really like Mark Richt, but I sure hope the Gators beat Georgia in Jacksonville!

At least Georgia Southern is kicking some butt. Gonna do a road trip up there next weekend!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

There's always tomorrow for dreams to come true

A song by the little female rain deer in the classic Rudolph. A good anthem for Florida State football about now. Losing to Oklahoma was understandable. Losing at Clemson was questionable, but give Dabo's boys credit. Losing today to Wake Forest is just pitiful. Don't get me wrong, I have long said that Grobe is the most under rated coach in football. No way however, is FSU "back" after today. Yes EJ was a bit rusty, but where was the DEFENSE? 35 points to Wake?

Here is how bad I am feeling today (Noles and Gators lose). I went and looked up the FSU schedule for NEXT YEAR! It's October 8th...

By the way, they play West Va, USF, Murray State and the Gators. More formidable than most teams non conference slate. At least no OKLAHOMA :) AND just in case you are wondering, the Gators play patsies and FSU in their non SEC scheduel

Georgia Southern beat Tenn Chattanooga to keep there season spotless :)

Florida got beat down by LSU. The Gators are not as good as I thought and Auburn is better, so next week "on the plains" could be very painful for me to watch...

TO end this post with positive news, CRESTVIEW squeaked by the FWB Vikings last night, so the weekend is not a total loss. Also, we have two young men from Germany staying with us this week and it is FUN.
