Sunday, December 4, 2011


Apathy is the word of the month for college football, at least as far as my attitude goes. The Bowls were announced tonight and I have to express my thoughts...

First, the mess at Penn State just stinks. I hate it for the good people up there and for the current team. Joe Pa is a legend, but this certainly puts an ugly stain on all he accomplished...

Bowls: I did not want to see a LSU vs Alabama rematch. Yes they may be the 2 best teams, but Bama already had their shot and in Tuscaloosa for crying out loud! Oklahoma State would have been my choice.

RG3 is the best player in college football but I hope Andrew Luck gets the trophy.

Here are a couple of the WORST travesties in the college bowl system. First, Va Tech beat NOBODY, and were runners up in the very weak ACC yet they get a BCS bid. Michigan had a nice season but didn't even make it their championship game, but they get a BCS pay day. Boise State again gets hosed. Clearly this is an unfair system that as much as I hate to say it, needs government intervention. It is unAmerican to the core (IMO).

As far as hobbies go, football, especially college football is my fav vice, but the money involved in this BUSINESS these days has corrupted it to the max. Yes I'm cranky about the dismal seasons of ALL the Florida teams, but the situation with NCAA football is getting worse, not better.

Hopefully by August I'll have a renewed enthusiasm for football again!