Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bowl Season and the fall out from Championship Saturday

Only the Bowl games left…and it FSU vs War Beagles for all the marbles !! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What a conundrum on Saturday night. I loathe Ohio State and loved it when Sparty beat them. On the other hand, FSU would rout the buckies by 30 or 40 points, but Auburn is dangerously good, especially with Gus’ offense! Before I dive any deeper, I ready today where Todd Monken, coach at Southern Miss, personally bought each of his seniors a suit, so they are ready to interview and get jobs. Nice one coach! I think coach Monken was previously at Georgia Southern, where nephew Coach Baker is!
Back to the BCS Championship game… I, of course, will be pulling for FSU all the way. I would rather Winston NOT win the Heisman,but it looks like no one else has grabbed the prize. Auburn is scary explosive on offense and that is to Malzahn's credit. He does not have the best personnel (Mason is very good) but he is out in front of all the defenses with his scheme and his team's execution and confidence. FSU's defense is the closest to Alabama's that the war beagles will see, but in the end Auburn should be able to score somewhere around 30 points - my early guesstimation. Auburn's secondary is not elite, so the Noles will be able to pass with a lot of success. That should open holes for the 3 the best RB's FSU has had in a long time.
Got nearly a month to waffle, but I like FSU in the range of 42-30 ....It will not be a 6-3 defensive struggle! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Nothing short of ironic that Jason’s Tigers and my Noles are butting heads in the last BCS title game! I have already decorated his undefended office with FSU stuff!! 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mizzu matched Auburn’s offense for about 3 quarters, but it only took a slight slip up on offense and suddenly they were behind for good. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UCF was horrible. It was ridiculously cold in Dallas, but SMU? Baylor will lay 60 on them…it will be hard to watch. Oklahoma surprised me in Bedlam and now they get a date with Alabama as a reward  Stanford surprised me too. When they are on, they are BEAST. How did they lose to Utah and Arizona? Don’t get it. Of course South Carolina flopped in Knoxville somehow and the Gamecocks are the best team in the East, not Mizzu… Jadaveon got caught going over 100mph Saturday night...might he have received a little advance on his NFL fortune??? :)

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