Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24 Catch Up

Well, a couple of the high flying FAST offenses got slowed down yesterday. Oregon simply got pounded by Arizona. No fluke, no nothing, just a butt whippin. Back in October it looked like the Ducks were ready to topple the SEC. Ummm, not so much. Baylor, the other fast forward paced offense ran into Gundy's MEN in Stillwater. No undefeated out of the TEN big 12 teams..:) You know that pickle of a situation when you see your mother in law going over a cliff in your new car? Just kidding, I have a great mother in law. The point is a both good and bad situation. Yesterday Georgia Southern beat the Florida Gators in the Swamp without completing a single pass. The good is that nephew Nate, a coach at Georgia Southern experienced one of those lifetime thrills that he will always cherish. The bad, being a fan of the Gators, is that this is the lowest of the Gainesville low, since I was a teenager. I don't know if Muschamp survives this, especially since FSU will beat the crap out of them next week - I expect.
Speaking of FSU, this is the most complete team in a long time. All set to face Alabama for the national championship...except that the all world, Heisman front runner, QB could be charged with felony rape any day now. I have to repeat myself here. If he raped the girl, he deserves the full punishment of the law and frankly a linching. If he did not force himself on the accuser, than wow, he is the victim. What a mess. I feel for her father, no matter what really happened. FSU can beat Florida and win the ACC without Famous. They cannot beat Alabama without him, so we will see.
************************************************************************************************************** Vandy beat Tennessee in Knoxville in a defensive struggle. Tough call reversal for Vol fans, but it looked like the right adjustment by the zebras. Tennessee gets to stay home this bowl season, like the Gators...
Mizzu beat Ole Miss. Now, all they have to do is beat A&M and they get the winner of the Iron Bowl in the SEC Champ game! Mizzu is impressive. The Iron Bowl will be fun. Duke beat Wake and now only the Tarheels are in their way for an ACC Champ game seat! DUKE! Thanksgiving weekend football feast: Texas Tech at Texas and The Egg Bowl (Mississippi and Alabama have bowl names for their rivalry games - Florida kind of does - Sunshine Showdown). NFL has Packers at Lions, Raiders at Cowboys and Steelers at Ravens. Mucho football at Josey house. The other BIG games this coming weekend include: Wash vs Wash St, Oregon vs Oregon St., USF at UCF (Go Knights!). the ohio state u vs Meechigan. Duke vs UNC, Ga Tech and Georgia, Notre Dame vs Stanford (go Cardinal) South Carolina vs Clemson, Arizona vs Arizona State and UCLA vs USC. WOW!!

Last week's post...Auburn's momentum and luck

Wow, what a weekend of football  Friendship lost to St Georges so the season is over for the Commanders. They probably would have lost anyway, but Colton is out with Mono and prima donna QB did not show up for practice last week (according to sources). Not cool. A rematch of the Donnelson Christian Academy game would have been the prize for prevailing… The ending of the Auburn – Georgia game was one for the ages. Georgia’s gritty comeback in the 4th quarter was dramatically negated by the luckiest gift of a bounce on the 4th down desperation heave! We (me, Roger and Rita) went nuts and we didn’t really care who won the game! The hype for the Iron Bowl will be sick!
Having a good coach is huge in the SEC...duh. ********************* Florida played way better than I expected, until the frosh QB threw the one brain fart pass during the late game drive to win…Oh well…Muschamp is cracking under the pressure. Nate Baker and the Georgia Southern Eagles go down to the Swamp this week. Gators will have a losing season for the first time since 1979…ouch. Speaking of the Gators, Kasey Hill the frosh point guard who started for MDB varsity in the 7th grade, tore his ankle up last night. He will miss action until January at best. Glad that when I played against him, that I didn’t hurt him. ************************************************************************************ Tennessee opens as a 3 point fav against Vandy this week, which means that Vegas considers the two teams dead even. *********************************************************************************** UCF almost choked against Temple, but squeaked out a W at the buzzer. One of the best catches you will ever see in this one. Duke slapped the u  Go Duke! David Cutcliff is the coach of the year (with a close 2nd to Gus Malzhan). Duke will likely play FSU in the ACC Championship game. Wow. ********************************************************* Baylor is legit, at least a legit as Oregon is. Both would beat Ohio State. Stanford lost to an unranked team for the 2nd time this season, erasing the gain from beating the Ducks. The Patriots kind of got ripped by the zebras at the end of their game with Carolina last night…oh well… Went to the Might Men conference with Ben on Sunday night. Very uplifting time. Way better than the Promise Keepers, but along the same line – asking men to be men of God! I’m in. It is almost Thanksgiving! Get to have a houseful of family!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013


Should you start a blog post with pet peeves? Probably not, but I am a rebel. First, those half page adds they wrap around the front page of the newspaper is grounds for justifiable homicide! *&^*#@#  Second, I often hear radio announcers say this on a kick off “it an end over end kick”. I beg to differ with this assessment, even though it is close to universal. When a football is kicked off, or kicked for a PAT or field goal, the ball certainly does rotate if kicked properly, but it is actually END UNDER END. To me end over end implies top spin motion, which does not happen unless there is an onside kick attempt. Well, I’m glad I got that off my chest. I was able to spend a few minutes with Keith Quick on Tuesday night in Destin. We both grew up on Fort Walton and played in the same little leagues, and eventually married sisters. We caught some amazing Gator and Seminole games together as young men and had a few good hunting and fishing adventures which are now embellished “stories” for me. Now we talk about our adult children and his grandchildren… OK, football. Since my last input, Stanford beat Oregon and that is BIG news for FSU fans. Go Noles! Roger, who loves Alabama and Florida State is now known as “Nole Tide”. I add Clyde at the end – Nole Tide Clyde  Only close pals use middle names  I took Sharon and Autumn to their first Titans game and the home team managed to lose to winless Jax Jags. Colton went with us to the game and then on Monday he was diagnosed with Mono. He will not get to play sports for the next 6 weeks. Brutal, as he is the center for the FCS football team, in round 2 of the playoffs tonight. By the way, he also plays the entire game at D tackle. The Commanders are in trouble without him, over in Memphis tonight. Even when football ends, he will miss most of the basketball season as well. An extremely tough break for a good guy. MDB’s best season ever came to a close in the playoffs last week. They scored 54 points, but OCP scored more. Rocky Bayou won their “conference”. In the Friendship game against Harding last week, Roger and I were standing near the side line with Steven Hollis of FCS, did a full 360 at full speed while tip toeing down so close to out of bounds. Stellar run by a very good football player.
*** Florida got crushed by Vandy…in football…major bummer. I like Vandy but come on Will! Auburn spanked Tennessee and gets better each week. If they get by Jawja this week, the Iron Bowl matchup with Bama will be seriously hyped and for the SEC West crown. Mizzu and South Carolina fight it out for the East. The Gamecocks will not play nice for the Gators tomorrow night …  Mizzu still has A&M and Ole Miss to deal with in conference.
*** Duke keeps winning and that makes me smile. They are my 2nd fav team in the ACC, just like Vandy is in the SEC. Cmon Duke, beat the u 
*** Baylor looks like the real deal in the big 12 (w 10 teams), while in the big 10(w 12 teams) only Ohio St has a pulse (well Wisconsin is a good team and Mich St has a decent defense). Famous Jameis has been linked to an investigation of sexual assault, from back in December of 2012. If he did the crime, hope he gets put under the jail. If he did not, I hope SHE does. Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunday Evening Post… We stayed home Friday night instead of going out to watch Friendship bully Ezel Harding. Handed out candy and watched Brentwood Academy beat mighty Ensworth on TV. Then when cousin Mark texted that Crestview was beating the FISHHEADS (Niceville High School Eagles for the uninformed), I found the game broadcast on my laptop. Niceville was ranked #6 in 7A but Crestview put them down. Crestview has not had a good season, but 3 of their losses were by less than 4 points. Now a 3 team shootout (plus Tate) on Monday night to see which 2 teams go to the playoffs.
Mt Dora Bible beat First Academy of Leesburg, to capture a play offs spot. A home game too! Way to go Ian Watson and team. On Saturday morning I went back over to Hendersonville to play touch football. Our Siding team took on the Logistics department at LP. Logistics guys were all young, and fast. Our team was young (except for me) but not as fast. My plan was to QB for our team and then go to the sideline when we were on defense. Well, we didn’t have any extra players (THANKS FRAZIER!) so I had to chase guys my son’s age around the field. That did not go well. On offense we scored almost every time, but we could not stop Logistics when they had the ball. Just too much speed and height. After an hour or so, we split teams up and my team won that one, but the bragging rights game did not go like we wanted it too…So much fun. I’m sore today. Duh. If you can’t run with the big dogs, sit on the porch. The porch has my rocker calling my name… After a “10 minutes of help” stop at church that turned into 2 hours, I finally got home in time to watch the Cocktail party from Jacksonville. Roger came over to help torment me as the Gators stunk it up early. They did make a game of it, but could not finish the comeback…Georgia has now won 3 in a row against UF.  FSU did not disappoint, as the trounced the u. This is the best Seminole squad since the 99 National championship team.
Other interesting moments: Nebraska gets a hail mary bounce to beat Northwestern on the last play of the game…boo. Minnesota keeps their win streak going, beating Indiana. Listened to the Titans beat the Rams as I worked in the yard after church. A good day. Next week we have 2 Thursday night showdowns between Stanford and Oregon, and Baylor and Oklahoma. Then Alabama hosts LSU on Saturday.