Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunday Evening Post… We stayed home Friday night instead of going out to watch Friendship bully Ezel Harding. Handed out candy and watched Brentwood Academy beat mighty Ensworth on TV. Then when cousin Mark texted that Crestview was beating the FISHHEADS (Niceville High School Eagles for the uninformed), I found the game broadcast on my laptop. Niceville was ranked #6 in 7A but Crestview put them down. Crestview has not had a good season, but 3 of their losses were by less than 4 points. Now a 3 team shootout (plus Tate) on Monday night to see which 2 teams go to the playoffs.
Mt Dora Bible beat First Academy of Leesburg, to capture a play offs spot. A home game too! Way to go Ian Watson and team. On Saturday morning I went back over to Hendersonville to play touch football. Our Siding team took on the Logistics department at LP. Logistics guys were all young, and fast. Our team was young (except for me) but not as fast. My plan was to QB for our team and then go to the sideline when we were on defense. Well, we didn’t have any extra players (THANKS FRAZIER!) so I had to chase guys my son’s age around the field. That did not go well. On offense we scored almost every time, but we could not stop Logistics when they had the ball. Just too much speed and height. After an hour or so, we split teams up and my team won that one, but the bragging rights game did not go like we wanted it too…So much fun. I’m sore today. Duh. If you can’t run with the big dogs, sit on the porch. The porch has my rocker calling my name… After a “10 minutes of help” stop at church that turned into 2 hours, I finally got home in time to watch the Cocktail party from Jacksonville. Roger came over to help torment me as the Gators stunk it up early. They did make a game of it, but could not finish the comeback…Georgia has now won 3 in a row against UF.  FSU did not disappoint, as the trounced the u. This is the best Seminole squad since the 99 National championship team.
Other interesting moments: Nebraska gets a hail mary bounce to beat Northwestern on the last play of the game…boo. Minnesota keeps their win streak going, beating Indiana. Listened to the Titans beat the Rams as I worked in the yard after church. A good day. Next week we have 2 Thursday night showdowns between Stanford and Oregon, and Baylor and Oklahoma. Then Alabama hosts LSU on Saturday.

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