Monday, January 18, 2010

Allstar Shawn

I stole this pic from cousin Mark's facebook. It was the night his son Shawn played in the big northwest Florida allstar game. Good stuff and great memories made! We haven't had a football player this good in the family since Bryan and Larry went to play for Vanderbilt and NorthEast Louisiana in the early 90s.

So Much Going On

Well, too much going on lately to keep up with. Lame leaves Tennessee for USC, which makes me wonder WHAT ARE THEY THINKING at Southern Cal? The rest of the Pac 10 has to be very excited. Not that Lame can't coach (we don't know yet) but they are already under investigation by the NCAA and now they hire the guy who has a perpetual birdie finger pointed at the NCAA?? The Vols hired Vince Dooley's son, and I admit I don't know much about him.

The Gators are having historic success with this recruiting class, and FSU is doing pretty good too. Tommy Tuberville replaces Mike Leach at Texas Tech. I liked Leach until this latest round of madness, and he certainly is making it worse by fighting a battle in the media. USF fired their only coach in history, and hired Skip Holtz. I think Skip will do very well in Tampa.

I fully intend to go back and compare my predictions against how things actually turned out, just haven't found the time yet. With 7 months to go until next season, I'm sure I'll find the time...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Yes Its Over...Call it a day...

OK, the dreaded off season is upon us, so I plan to look back at the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of the terrific season we all enjoyed. I should have some time to do that later this week.

The NFL playoffs will have to do for now, as will the recruiting wars and the coaching changes (USC / USF)...


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The National Championship Game!

It is the Alabama Crimson Tide against the Texas Longhorns for the championship of college football tomorrow night. As a "southern man" I favor the SEC MOST of the time in these kind of match ups. However, despite my mom being born in Alabama, the fact I went to college in Montgomery and close buds Roger and Owen are Tide fans, I will be pulling for the Hookem Horns! I am a big fan of Colt McCoy and that is reason enough, but another big reason for me is Don Brown. Don passed away last month. I only knew him for about four years, but from here on out, I want to be more like him. Don grew up in Kansas and as a preacher lived all over the place as an adult, even California :). Don just loved the Lord, period. Texas was "home" and the Longhorns had a big fan here in Central Florida, until his passing. So Texas, win one for Don!

That said, it is understandable why Alabama is the favorite. Their brute strength approach to football is hard to stop. They have a mountain of a nose guard and the Heisman trophy winner for cryin out loud!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years BOWLING

Well, FSU sent Bobby out with a win in the Gator Bowl :)

Auburn and Northwestern played in an overtime shootout, with Northwestern's fake FG foiled to preserve the War Beagle victory. LSU lost to Penn St in a quagmire of a turf at the Citrus Bowl, and Ohio State surprised me by pushing Oregon around in the Rose. All good, except I picked the Ducks as my highest level of confidence (34 points) in one bowl pool...

Now the Gators are making Cincinnati look like Umatilla High School! Tebow is passing lights out and it is 30 - 3 at the HALF! Maybe it will not be too stressful a night for Urban Meyer :(

There are 6 more games tomorrow, and then the rest of the BCS games on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights...


Bobby Bowden

I have been a little burnt out and slacked on the blog lately, but just now, the Seminoles took the field for the Gator Bowl and Bobby drove the spear into mid field. I just cried.

It is way past time for him to retire, but wow the impact he has had on college football and on Florida State. He arrived in Tallahassee when I was in high school, and he retires today and I am now 49 years old...We moved to Tally in 1987, which was the start of the 14 year dynasty of top 4 finishes. I have enjoyed TOO MUCH Seminole football as it has been hard to keep it in balance.

I don't know if the Noles can beat West Virginia today (it would have helped to have Ponder), but I will soak up every minute of it.

FL Outlaw