Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years BOWLING

Well, FSU sent Bobby out with a win in the Gator Bowl :)

Auburn and Northwestern played in an overtime shootout, with Northwestern's fake FG foiled to preserve the War Beagle victory. LSU lost to Penn St in a quagmire of a turf at the Citrus Bowl, and Ohio State surprised me by pushing Oregon around in the Rose. All good, except I picked the Ducks as my highest level of confidence (34 points) in one bowl pool...

Now the Gators are making Cincinnati look like Umatilla High School! Tebow is passing lights out and it is 30 - 3 at the HALF! Maybe it will not be too stressful a night for Urban Meyer :(

There are 6 more games tomorrow, and then the rest of the BCS games on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights...


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