The “ber” months are finally here. September, October, November and December are the “ber” months and they represent A) FOOTBALL SEASON B) cooler weather. It is too dang hot in central Florida, we need some relief! I never fully appreciated Spring, until I lived in Kansas for a few years. After all that cold, cloudy and dreary weather, the sun finally breaks through one day in March or April and people up north just go nuts with excitement. A lot of employees are suddenly “sick” that day. Well, it is kind of like that in reverse down here. That first cool breeze when you can open the windows and even consider wearing a long sleeve shirt, signals the best time to live in my home state.
Wow, what a tangent that was. My pal Mark played for Cocoa Beach high school back in the 70s. He was a running back and on the last play of one game, at the bottom of the pile (against Monroe HS), an opposing player actually bit the wart off of Mark’s leg. Let that sink in for a moment. The guy had to raise his helmet to be able to reach the target and bit it off and growled as he showed it pinched between his teeth. Now female readers may find this somewhat socially unacceptable, but guys who played football will laugh and try to remember situations that can “one up” this true story.
In case I have not set the record straight (lately), I am a fan of both the Florida State Seminole and the Florida Gators. This is not well received by a lot of folks and most cannot even comprehend the concept. They assume that I am not a “real” fan of either, but they are mistaken. My dad is a Gator fan and the SEC is without question the best and most exciting conference, when it comes to rivalries or “border wars”. Now to really appreciate the SEC, you need to realize that while they HATE each other, when one of em plays somebody out west or god forbid “up north”, there is a cease fire and a solidarity as everyone pulls together to chant “SEC, SEC, SEC!”. FSU is the school closest to my hometown in the Panhandle and I really started pulling for the Noles when Bobby got there in the mid 70s. The run he took them on was so much fun to be a part of. I was lucky enough to know some of the coaches when I lived in Tally and had the pleasure of being in the locker rooms and even sat in on a couple of pre-game speeches and presentations to recruits. So, with that precursor, I have to also mention that I enjoy the rivalry between the Noles and Gators and enjoy the ragging and teasing that goes back and forth. So, when my Garnet and Gold cousin Tyler bagged a couple of gators on his recent legal hunt and captioned the kill picture with “gator bait my a$$”, I had to share!
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