Wednesday, November 1, 2017

U G L Y we aint go no alibi

The worst season continues For the Seminoles, who were destroyed on Friday night by Boston College…in football. There were no silver linings, just complete domination. This team has quit on Jimbo. The FSU roster is full of highly touted “4/5 star” players, who are losing to teams with 2 and 3 star talent, without anywhere near the depth.
For the Gators, who were blown out by a very good Georgia team in the Cocktail Party. Franks still looks tentative and in way over his head. It was so bad, that on Sunday the University of Florida fired the coach. The same coach who took them to Atlanta in his first 2 seasons, to play for the SEC championship. What have you done for me lately? The impotent offense cannot be tolerated in Gainesville and coach did not endear himself to the orange and blue faithful, nor the administration.
He also spurned the old ball coach’s offer to consult on the offense. Not cool and not a good career move. Spurrier revolutionized the SEC with his aggressive offenses and at a minimum could have helped. Oh well.
Ohio State played a fantastic 2nd half and especially 4th quarter to come back and beat Penn State. Not a fan of OSU, but that was clutch football. Still think their loss at home to Oklahoma should keep them down lower than they are…Notre Dame handled NC State and again, as much as I hate to admit it, played like a Top 10 team…dang it.
Tennessee again found a way to lose a close game. Would of, should of, could of. Butch has lost this team, but the error of margin is so thin, that this team could EASILY have a stellar record. The games against Florida, South Carolina and now Kentucky, all could have gone the VOLS way, they were that close at the end. Then UT would be 5-2 with losses to Georgia and Alabama, the #1 and #2 teams in the nation. It is not only the losses, but how they keep finishing weak that will cost Butch the job… I heard from Durham that the Firebirds beat their strongest opponent to date, and now are off to the playoffs. The only highlight of my football weekend was the Friday Night Lights variety.
Crestview beat arch rival Niceville 35-14 at the fish heads home bowl. That wrapped up the district title and the highest seeding in the Panhandle for the 6A playoff bracket. The updated MaxPreps rankings shows my Bulldogs as the #159 in the country and 18 in the great state of Florida. I’m confident that this is the highest ranking WE have ever attained. The LAZ index, a Florida power rating, has CHS up to #17 in the state, all classes combined. Finally, they have had Niceville in the top 5 all season, in spite of the thrashing they took in Texas. Watching on Facebook is fun, as all the other viewers can provide comments and “howdy” to everyone else. A virtual reunion of sorts! All sorts of folks from my hometown, and a lot of names are recognize and remember, even though I left 39 years ago. My dad played for Crestview, my uncle Harold was the starting center on the basketball team and played football. My cousin Rick Jellison and I played at the same time, as did cousin – law Greg Boshell. Mike and Mark Josey, Larry Josey, on and on. My ROOTS are planted deep down there.
Also down in Florida, Mt Dora Christian Academy continues their best football season ever, still undefeated and on to round two of the Sunshine Athletic conference playoffs. Locally, Friendship finished the regular season undefeated, as did Mt Juliet. Noah Josey and Brentwood Academy did the same. The smaller number of teams in Tennessee allows for quicker playoffs than back in Florida. The World Series has been fantastic! Hope it goes 7 and Astros prevail. The first weekend in November looks like this for me: Fly down to Florida on Friday night, while Crestview plays the International School of Broward (Ft Lauderdale), and crash in Cairo with the in laws. On Saturday AM, slide down to Tally to meet up with Tyler and Frank for the FSU game with Syracuse. Noles are 5-2… Excited to spend the time with the cousins, but expect a LOT of empty seats at Doak Campbell…I need some new stadium cups to annoy my wife. Did I mention that she and Autumn took our / MY Charlie Ward cup to Knoxville to use as the cat food cup. Talk about using a Rembrandt for a table cloth! How mean or ignorant can you get? Gators play Mizzu under interim coach Randy Shannon. DO not expect much fight from Florida, but hope I’m wrong. Bedlam, the battle for Oklahoma looks to be the best national game this weekend.

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