Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Football season one fourth of the way over! Boo!

Slacker football blogger here... Florida beat Tennessee in one of the ugliest football games in history. Driskol broke his leg but Tyler Murphy may e an upgrade at the QB position. FSU played another nobody - I hate those games. Ohio State and Miami did too. This week has some good games. UCF HOSTS South Carolina at Brighthouse stadium. LSU visit Georgia. Ohio State plays somebody (Wisconsin) finally. Ole Miss is a great story, but Tuscaloosa can be a sad ending... Friendship has taken 2 lumps from Trousdale and Webb, but should get back on track this weekend. Crestview has found a way to lose the last 3...Miami Central trounced Don Bosco. I'm not a fan of Cental, but I really don't like Bosco. St Thomas from Ft Lauderdale beat John Curtis last week in a private school inter state game. I took in my first Titans game on Sunday. A beautiful chamber of commerce day in Music City and I was really closet to Philip Rivers as he warmed up. That was fun. The LP Corp Suite was SWEET too. Peyton Manning is the best QB ever. Jason sent me a text with that last night and frankly its true. The most cerebral signal caller who is the ultimate point guard with the ball. I did see him get beat in the Swamp :) That is about all the inspiration I have at the moment. I should add that Roger's first born will be hosting an NBA show starting in November, with Grant Hill. Way cool. Also, I took Autumn to the Taylor Swift show on Friday night. My daughter was jazzed! Great show. Not just a concert, but a SHOW, with at least 10 different sets and costumes. Good clean entertainment. 3-0 in the LP fantasy league but 1-2 in the Not as Good As I Once Was league back in Florida. JDJ

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Sunday football is the kind that I watch when it fits into what ever I/we have going on. In other words, I don't plan my day around NFL games. I did for a short period in my life. The 3 years we lived in Kansas City, I couldn't help but get caught up in the "local" team. Now that I once again live in a NFL town, will I grow to Titan fandom? Maybe, probably...They are playing OK today :) Saturday Wrap:
Still stinging from the Gator debacle. 5 Turnovers. What I get for pledging to be a calmer fan and not get as mad when the Gators or FSU lay an egg...TESTED in week 2. At least Notre Dame lost and so did Southern cal and LAME KIFFIN. Some silver lining... Outlaw


I named my football blog 1 Foot In because I favor football of the high school and college variety, where a pass may be completed with only one foot in bounds. In the NFL of course, the receiver must get both feet in bounds for a catch to be legit. I like the NFL, but I don't love it like I do the 1 Foot In versions. In high school, it still is a family and community event, and I can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night. College football is the ultimate for me. Probably because I'm from the south and growing up my dad modeled a love for his Gators. NFL is the best football obviously, but the whole free agent thing and all the "business" decisions, take away from the "purity" of the game. I know that is naive of me, but I'm cool with it. So, at church we are doing a series about being ALL IN. This is convicting for me, because I know my spiritual life has mostly been like my preferred football - one foot in. I have usually had a foot in for the Lord, but rarely, if ever, have I been ALL IN. I think ALL IN will mean a lot less of me and more of others. This is not easy. A young sister (Robin Lashley) told me a couple of years ago that she hoped one day that I would have the same passion for Jesus and the lost, that I have for college football. That wasn't very nice of her, but it was loving and spot on. I have a reputation for being a walking reference book for meaningless football information. I know the Bible pretty well, but I don't have that same reputation for being a walking reference book for God's Word. Now the challenge is how to move to ALL IN. I have over and over again seen God work in my life and my family. Yet, I still struggle with doubt and fear. That whole "I believe - help me with my unbelief" is me so often. I know that fear is not from God. I know that worry is pathetic and a tool of the dark side. Still, my stomach churns at times and my finger nails go bye bye. God isn't through with me yet.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Famous Jameis and Turnovers

I have probably mentioned too many times that I have watched 4 Heisman trophy winning QB's play while they were in high school. I did not ever see Jameis Winston in his Hueytown days, but his first start for FSU was one for the ages! Wow, what a debut! It is too early, but FSU vs Clemson should be for the ACC. The Gators today turned the ball over 5 times against Miami and lost. When you turn it over 5 times, you lose in football. The announcers are acting like Miami was amazing, but Florida beat themselves, plain and simple. It wasn't raining or wet, but the did not protect the ball. Driskoll looked like a prep QB, not a 3rd year guy. He holds on to the ball WAY too long. UF defense played well enough to win, but the offense gave the game away. Bummed me out. Crestview made an amazing comeback last week to clip Milton 14-13. Last night the lost to Choctaw 14-13 when the PAT was blocked late in the game. Friendship trounced Kings Academy in a game that I felt sorry for the other team. Autumn was the Jr Homecoming attendant and was beautiful. FCS get Troutsdale County next week. Georgia and South Carolina are slugging it out in a typical SEC heavy weight battle. I have Peyton as my QB in the LP FF league. Sweet as his 7 TD's lit up the scoreboard. In my Florida league, Joe Mabry, who I play this week, has Peyton.