Sunday, September 8, 2013


I named my football blog 1 Foot In because I favor football of the high school and college variety, where a pass may be completed with only one foot in bounds. In the NFL of course, the receiver must get both feet in bounds for a catch to be legit. I like the NFL, but I don't love it like I do the 1 Foot In versions. In high school, it still is a family and community event, and I can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night. College football is the ultimate for me. Probably because I'm from the south and growing up my dad modeled a love for his Gators. NFL is the best football obviously, but the whole free agent thing and all the "business" decisions, take away from the "purity" of the game. I know that is naive of me, but I'm cool with it. So, at church we are doing a series about being ALL IN. This is convicting for me, because I know my spiritual life has mostly been like my preferred football - one foot in. I have usually had a foot in for the Lord, but rarely, if ever, have I been ALL IN. I think ALL IN will mean a lot less of me and more of others. This is not easy. A young sister (Robin Lashley) told me a couple of years ago that she hoped one day that I would have the same passion for Jesus and the lost, that I have for college football. That wasn't very nice of her, but it was loving and spot on. I have a reputation for being a walking reference book for meaningless football information. I know the Bible pretty well, but I don't have that same reputation for being a walking reference book for God's Word. Now the challenge is how to move to ALL IN. I have over and over again seen God work in my life and my family. Yet, I still struggle with doubt and fear. That whole "I believe - help me with my unbelief" is me so often. I know that fear is not from God. I know that worry is pathetic and a tool of the dark side. Still, my stomach churns at times and my finger nails go bye bye. God isn't through with me yet.

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