Sunday, September 8, 2013


Sunday football is the kind that I watch when it fits into what ever I/we have going on. In other words, I don't plan my day around NFL games. I did for a short period in my life. The 3 years we lived in Kansas City, I couldn't help but get caught up in the "local" team. Now that I once again live in a NFL town, will I grow to Titan fandom? Maybe, probably...They are playing OK today :) Saturday Wrap:
Still stinging from the Gator debacle. 5 Turnovers. What I get for pledging to be a calmer fan and not get as mad when the Gators or FSU lay an egg...TESTED in week 2. At least Notre Dame lost and so did Southern cal and LAME KIFFIN. Some silver lining... Outlaw

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