Monday, September 7, 2009

It is FSU - MIAMI Game Day...

The link above (if it works) is a clip from FSU vs Miami in 1989. My cousin Mark and I were sitting in some good telephone company seats, around some of the big wigs. On the first play from scrimmage for FSU, Dexter Carter busts loose...Mark and I both had those huge stadium cup sized drinks, but when Dexter scored, we jumped up and down and drenched everyone around us...just ONE of my many great memories of FSU vs Miami games...

Kirk Herbstreit is picking Miami, and they certainly have a bunch of young elite athletes. I am sticking with FSU by 10, but to be truthful, my confidence factor is not high.


1 comment:

  1. i stay in the country, they lose.
    i leave...the same.
    not sure what else i can do, but i
    suppose i have all 4 years of eligibility left.
    the only consolation is that they did not lose
    on a field goal. but it is about as much consolation as, "better luck next year. maybe you'll grow. and hey, michael jordan didn't make it his freshman year either."
