Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, a new pro football league has started up and the Orlando franchise is named the Tuskers. For those of you wondering what this is all about, it is related to wild hogs (not the kind that ride motorcycles to fight off mid life crisis). I LOVE football. I have spent many hours watching the old Arena league, when it was the only football on, at that time of year. That said, I do not have much confidence that this new league will really make a go of it. Inquiring minds wanted to know...

If all goes as planned, my wife and daughter will attend a Broadway plan Saturday evening (probably Wicked). In an effort to save some money (that is my story :):) :), I will sacrifice and not go to the play, but will instead, go hang out at the ESPN Zone in Times Square. Think I'll be happy to post something on my 1FootIn blog, as I watch, Miami/Oklahoma, USC/Cal, etc. :) :)

I will mention this several times this week, but the high school game of the year is set for 8:00 this Friday night, as the Byrnes Rebels from South Carolina go down to Fort Lauderdale to play the St Thomas Aquinas Raiders. These 2 teams are ranked #1 and 2 in most of the national polls. Should be a dandy!


  1. thanks for the answers.
    still no explanation for why the unis are bad.
    and is it dexter jackson who is the tuskers' safety?

    at least there are some good players...
    enjoy NY!

  2. Watch Kal Simmons, Sophomore, starting quarterback, for the Berrien County (GA) Rebels. He's a smart kid and very athletic. Also he loves Nana's cathead biscuits.
