Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday night update

Well, 7-0 South Carolina at the half. Niceville and Lincoln are almost at the half w/ the fishheads up 16-14 streaming audio ...(remind me to thank Al Gore for inventing this internet thing). I'm also watching the Shiloh Christian Arkansas vs Evangel LA. Shiloh Christians looks terrific taking the ball right down the field for a score on the opening drive. Who said Evangel OWNS Shiloh?

My pal Brent just sent a text message that he is watching the SC NC St game, AND the HARDING vs West Alabama game. Another master of the multi tasking football methodology :) Brent's dad Pete has a birthday tomorrow (I think). The Petey ROCKS! Oh yeah, Harding is where my bro in law John played his college ball. So, go Bison(s)?

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