A new movie comes out this weekend, based on a true story. I'm looking forward to it. Hey, it is about college football, recruiting and people looking out for someone who needs some help.
I was thinking about how much fun playing football was when I was a boy. Some of the best times were when my brother and I would play our cousins. Since we lived in the BIG city of Fort Walton Beach, and Mike & Mark lived out in the Auburn community north of Crestview, we called it the city slicker against the country boys. That is pretty funny when you think about it. We also played football in Murder Creek on more than one occasion, using a plastic milk jug (or whatever we could find) for the football. I was ~ 3 years older so I had a size advantage back then. Mike & Mark were real tough, but it was my brother who was probably the best player of our bunch. He liked to call himself Mercury Morris, because he loved the fake and bake moves #22 for the Dolphins was so good at. My brother was QUICK, and that was rare in our extended family. We had lots of cousins who were tough, or mean, or BIG (or all three), but very few who could be described as quick. Marty was, and he had terrific hand-eye coordination. Over the years, we would often get up a big gang on Thanksgiving or Christmas and go up to Twin Hills park, or up to the high school and play tackle football for hours! So much fun!
"you a bounty hunter?"
thoughts on KU's coach?