Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trip Report

OK, so I make my way to Tallahassee and go to Leon High school to see their homecoming game against my Crestview Bulldogs. Crestview scored twice in the first 6 minutes to take a 14 - 0 lead. After that, the Lions took control and wound up winning the game 42 - 36. Leon busted big play after big play to the point that it kind of reminded me of the Florida State secondary - some plays you think they only have 9 men on defense, because there are NO db's anywhere near the receivers...As a reward for Crestview, they get to play the #1 team in 4A next week - the Niceville Eagles (FISH HEADS!).

Anyway, I had a bunch of extra tickets for the FSU game on Saturday. I wasn't the only one. I moved to Tallahassee in 1987, and had been to a few games before then. I have NEVER been to a Seminole game with so many empty seats. Granted, it was an early game (Noon) and that impacts those who might drive up from central Florida, and it did rain a little bit. Those excuses aside, if the team was 6-1, there would have been 80,000 fans instead of ~ 65,000...

My son Josh and I had a really good time. His apartment is right across Tennessee St. from campus, so it is an easy walk to the stadium. After a few minutes at the Ledlow/Camps tailgate party, we went on into the stadium. In the 30 minutes we were in there before kickoff, it rained 3 different times, and in between showers, the sun shine was hot and intense. At the end of the national anthem, the Coast Guard did a fly over with 2 choppers. Way cool. FSU played great on offense again, but the defense RARELY stopped the Wolfpack. A 45-42 win that was not sealed until the final play!

Josh and I grabbed some wings and shrimp and I was on my way back down the interstate, with Mick Hubert calling the Gator game against Georgia on the radio. Florida finally played like we expected them too. UF now has beaten Georgia 17 of the last 20 years!

More on the weekend that was in a few.

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