Thursday, October 29, 2009

FOOTBALL WEEKEND - Lets Get It Started!!!

The Tar Heels are playing Va Tech in the background. UNC doesn't have much of a chance...

Tomorrow afternoon I'll drive up to Tallahassee. My Crestview Bulldogs (yes I graduated in the 70s) play Tallahassee Leon. I'm there and then over to Roger's to crash in anticipation of the Florida State vs NC State game at Noon on Saturday. I helped another guy in our LifeGroup mow the Hopkins yard this afternoon, since Captain Hopkins is away from home for a while. When I got home, I got a call from Mr Baysinger offering me FOUR tickets to the FSU game. I'm going anyway so "of course" I accepted the tix. Put a call into Crestview to see if any of the kin folk were interested :)

If all goes well, I'll get to see my old high school team, hang out with Roger, hang out with my son Josh, and now maybe some of my cousins too. After the game I'll slide on down I 10 and I 75, while I LISTEN to the world's largest outdoor cocktail party! Going to the FLORIDA - GEORGIA game is BLAST, but not to be for me this year.

Here is a safe bet for Saturday: Jimmy Clausen will throw ~ SEVEN touchdown passes as Notre Dame demolishes hapless Washington State in San Antonio. By Saturday night, the Jimmy Clausen HYPESMAN trophy campaign will be in peddle to the mettle mode. I'm not fond of the kid, but he is a good QB.

If I time it right, I should be home in time to catch most of the big night games. Southern Cal @ Oregon will essentially decide the PAC 10. Call me crazy, but I like the Ducks in this one. Texas goes to Stillwater to butt heads with the Cowboys. Very hostile environment, but Colt and company prevail. Florida over Georgia. FSU NC St? Who knows? Tennessee plays South Carolina in an interesting game. The Vols are better every week. Ole Miss and Auburn might be a good one.



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