Thursday, October 22, 2009


The painful part of watching a team you like play poorly, is that you know they have talented football players. FSU may not get ALL the 5 Star players they did in the 90s, but they have great athletes. They problem is that as I watch, I expect a penalty on every other play. Really stupid stuff, poor clock management, SLOPPY and UNDISCLIPLINED FOOTBALL. So, it comes down to either these talented players are not very smart, or this is a poorly coached team...NINE penalties in the first half. It is sad on so many levels.

Somewhat related is my disdain for the little mini celebrations players make when they make a tackle, a 6 yard run or a short catch. ACT LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN THERE BEFORE people! This trend is not limited to FSU, but they do teach clinics on it...

North Alabama, and it's roster of BCS transfers is routing Valdosta State 34-6 at the half. Terry Bowden looks like he ate the Kansas coach since I last saw him on TV. I am suddenly motivated to work out more and eat less...


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