It is kind of a "dead zone" for prep football, as the big inter state match ups are behind us, and the key district games are a week or two away. SO, here a a post about music:
I picked my daughter up from volleyball practice the other day and a Fleetwood Mac song came on the radio. I started singing along. Autumn looks at me with a puzzled expression "you know this song" she asked. I said of course, but in my mind I was thinking, I've KNOWN this song for 30 years! "I have it on my iPod" she says and she still can't reconcile that her dad knows a song that she likes. That is kind of funny... I recall when music was a much bigger part of my life, so I understand how teenagers and 20 somethings LOVE their music. I am rarely "inspired" by music like I used to be, but this afternoon was one of those exceptions. I'm driving home on a Friday afternoon and happen to click over to the classic rock station. An old Deep Purple tune "Highway Star" starts rippin and I crank the volume to levels that threaten healthy hearing later in life. I was transported back to 8th grade...and I rocked and sang and really enjoyed myself for the 4 or 5 minutes of the track.
flip side of the 45:
One day this week I received an email from my friend Dale. Dale, much like bud Roger, is a BIKER guy. Well, ole Dale rides over to Sanford to their "bikefest" and the headline band is Molly Hatchet. Dale goes on to explain in the email that they had a drawing for a major prize - an autographed guitar! Well guess who the "major prize winner" was? Dale! We will soon schedule a male bonding session, where Dale shows off the guitar, and I break out a scrap book from long ago, when I spent "my summer vacation" with Molly Hatchet. :)
Football returns to center stage tomorrow.
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